Project Overview

This project is about the landing page of organition. The goal of this landing page is to fix the UI and UX flow of the existing landing page.

Problem Statement

The Existing design is to plan and black & white. Looking at this user are not able to figure out the purpose of website.


  • Give a sense of an Umbrella organization.
  • The target audience is job seekers.
  • Design should be “mobile-first”.
  • Set the color scheme and design scheme.

My Role

My role is to design a responsive UI for desktop and mobile versions that meets the requirement while also engaging and pleasing to the eyes.

My Approch

I don't want to create a job listing page, So first I thought to do a quick user interview/the survey on the existing landing page. Then as a next step, I filtered out the pain points and the good point from my survey.

Before doing anything, I searched some website landing page that serves similar concept, my third step is to put dose point and create the problem statement.

Problems I noticed

  • Many landing pages don't tell about company Information,
  • Unorganized information, which is hard to understand.
  • Boring Interface.

Now as a UX person I need to find a solution that covers all the above-listed problems, so I started observing different landing pages and some existing ideas.

"After a comprehensive analysis, I sorted out some vital points for a successful landing page"


  • To attract users I need to avoid industry buzzwords and need to describe Company's information in clear language.
  • For making the page process smooth I need to make a prominent button that let users apply immediately without wasting much time and can contact/apply with just one click.
  • I put myself into the user's shoes and tried to identify the things I would like to see on a company's landing page(especially for job seekers). I found that when users come to a company's website most of them look for the following:-
    • The company's values,
    • Employee testimonials,
    • Reson why employees work there,
    • Reason why employees choose to stay.
  • Perk and benefits also play a valuable role to shape employees' consideration to apply.
  • To convince more people I have added a short video that shows real-life footage of life in the organization.

User Stories

User stories help in specifying users' problems.

User 01

A job seeker wants to look at what the company is offering.

User 02

Before applying to any company, always want to have a look at what there employees says

User 03

Always want to quickly redirect to the job application page or contact page to reach them out


My idea was to make the website look simple and 'light as a feather. I opted for brighter, lighter colors to give a feeling of being easy and lightweight.

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