Project Overview

Here are all the wireframes and UI I designed for this hospital-related application concept. It is basically a Hospital appointment booking application. The designs are based on some research and user flow.

Problem Statement

As technology is booming, so is everything with it, but consulting with a doctor remains the same.

Getting Doctor's Appointment:-

  • First, you have to find a good doctor,
  • then you would have to book an appointment by standing in a queue,
  • and then only you could consult with him.

There are some app's already in the marketplace but they are either too complicated to understand or very hard to trust them. To store your past reports and prescription is also overhead for everyone. Also during this pandemic situation, it is very scary and difficult to go to the hospital because it was the hotspot of viruses. Our aim is to design an app for the best hassle-free online consultation with a doctor from home, where all your past records can be saved and secure.


Taking form people almost 70% of patients are Smart Phone/Laptop users.

Target Profiles
  • 18-22 yrs old: This group belongs to the students.
  • 23-35 yrs old: This group belongs to the young Busy professionals.
  • 36-60 yrs old: This group belongs to the middle age professionals.
  • 60+ yrs old: This group belongs to the retired people.
Primary target (Based on Assumptions)
  • People with busy schedules don't want to waste time waiting in the hospital lobby for the doctors.
  • People can't take risk of going to the hospital to find out that the doctor they wanted to see is not there.
  • People who are new in their area and want to find out the best doctors or hospitals in their area.
  • People who always choose everything by seeing reviews and ratings.
  • People who like to know about the background of their doctors before visiting them.
Users' expectations (Based on Assumptions)
  • They don't want to wait in long queues.
  • They don't want to struggle with the paperwork.
  • They don't like to visit doctors or hospitals again and again for small issues and would prefer if it could be done online.
  • They want to be able to connect to them at any time if an emergency comes via call, video call, or chat.
  • They want to know everything about the hospital or doctor they are visiting.
  • They want to explore all the options they have and compare them.
  • They should be able to book appointments very easily without any long forms or anything complicated.

User Survey

according to a personal survey of several potential users, 60% of the user wants to first discuss the issue on a video call rather than going to the doctor and realizing it was for nothing. They would go to the doctor only if the issue is getting unbearable for them. 70% of the users will research doctors online and see their reviews if they are planning to consult with them.

Use Cases

We have defined different situations for Users.

User login
  • User story 1: As a registered user, I should be able to enter my email ID and password, so that I can log in.
  • User story 2: As a registered user, I should be able to recover my password via getting an OTP on the registered email id, so that I can recover the forgotten password.
Appointment booking
  • User story: As a user, I should be able to book an appointment with a doctor by searching for the appropriate doctor and selecting the time, and entering the necessary information, so that I can see the doctor.
Checking the reviews and ratings of a doctor
  • User story: As a user, I should be able to see the reviews and ratings of a doctor by searching for them via the home screen, so that I can see how good the doctor is.
Online consultation with a doctor
  • User story: As a user, I should be able to book an online consultation with a doctor by searching for the appropriate doctor and entering the necessary information, so that I can see the doctor for an online consultation.
Checking the reviews and ratings of a hospital
  • User story: As a user, I should be able to see the reviews and ratings of a hospital by searching for them via the home screen, so that I can see how good the hospital is.
Giving reviews and ratings to a hospital and the doctor
  • User story: As a registered user, I should be able to give reviews and ratings to a hospital or a doctor after an appointment or interaction with them, so that others can see how good the hospital or doctor is.
Adding profiles of people I know(family members)
  • User story: As a registered user, I should be able to create profiles of my family members or loved ones, so that I can store their data(medical history, prescriptions and etc) to take care of them.
Checking the history of the user
  • User story: As a registered user, I should be able to the data(medical history, prescriptions and etc) of myself or of the profiles of the people I have added so that I keep a track of their health.


  • Introduce a feature with immediate help.
  • Have a feature to keep records for all past consultations and prescriptions.
  • The appointment booking flow should be as simple and fast as possible.
  • The notification features prominently so that users won't miss the appointment.
  • Highlight the popular, experienced, and talented doctors in every field who are the best so that users won't have to research themself and waste their time.

Information Architecture



About the process of building this UX Case, I can say that was a great experience to work with agile principles. I could do stand-ups, share work and finish my goals which you can see the results in this article. For the next steps, I imagine working on the HI-fidelity Prototype and adding interactive options, and conducting more usability tests to then have better insights and build the product development ready.

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