Aug 2022


Problem Statement

The onboarding process is a crucial part of the product design because it:

  • Create a first impression and user experience of the app
  • Use usually have a low attention span
  • It can be a “make or break” experience right at the first contact for a user.

As a user myself, If the on boarding process doesn’t make sense or too complicated ,I will drop off the app right away.

According to the checklist, good onboarding pages should include the following 5 elements:

  • Tutorial or instructions (Steps to show a user how the application works to get started)
  • Empty states ( Designing states for when a task hasn’t been complete, or there’s no information to be shown yet)
  • Indicators to continue steps (If you have a multi-step onboarding process, ensure the user can understand how to continue and how to return to a previous screen)
  • Progress indicator (Visualise the user’s progress to establish expectations of how long the onboarding will take)
  • Contact support (In case a user is confused or unsure at any point)

Base on these standards, CityPups onboarding process needs some improvements.


As I was aware, online banking onboarding generally has a negative image. I researched the bank through

  • Online Review Websites
  • Independent Surveys
  • App Store Reviews
  • Website Analytics
  • User Interviews

Online reviews websites demonstrated customer’s poor opinion, giving it a 1.4/5 rating. I compiled the most common problems with the website UX as below.

  • Complicated Sign-up
  • Outdated Feel
  • Lengthy Application Process
  • Difficult to find information
  • Not a remote experience

Defining the pain points

From the research, I have concluded that:

Users need a landing page-
  • That is intuitive — easy to use.
  • That is clear — information is laid out in a logical and clear order.
  • That is functional — allows the user to onboard in some capacity.


Users need an online application form-
  • That is easy to start.
  • Is well ordered.
  • That doesn’t feel too complicated and lengthy.

User Personas

based on findings, we developed two User Personas to help guide our ideations and concepts.


How will I solve the main problems that are causing a bad user experience?
This was my first written brainstorm-



The onboarding process is the first impression. It usually takes only a few seconds but determined if it can “hook” a potential customer.
Design a good onboarding process is not easy but fulfilling

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