Project Overview

A cash flow dashboard which helps to see the reports without any dependency on the finance team. This dashboard helps to view the cash flows of organization

Problem Statement

Ragavan is a CFO of a CSL Health Care.
He is responsible for all cash flows in the company. Currently he relies on his finance team to provide reports on the cash flows in a weekly manner.
He will go through the report to check cash in-flows and out-flows to see any potential risks on cash reserves in near features.
He would like to have a cash flow dashboard which helps him to see the reports without any dependency on the finance team.

Objectivest and Goals

  • Cashflow Dashboard with Predictions
  • Manage the inflows and outflows.


I have done some research work before brainstroming and Designing.

So, for the quantitative analysis, I decided to look for (assuming my friends and family as) potential users and shared with them a survey with closed questions like:

  • Suppose you are a finance officer of a company. and Now you want to have a Dashboard, what are the things / stats you would like to see on it at first view?
  • Which one you like the most fixed / customized dashboard?
  • What are the key points you face while managing your monthly budget?
What I Received
  • A system that is able to predict the risks in the cash flows. Along with the cash flow dashboard, also like to manage the inflows and outflows such as
  • Manage and planned invoices (View invoice, Mark as received, Change due date)
  • View all expenses (expense details, Mark as paid, change payment date)

Defining Problem Statement

Need a AI Based Dashboad to see Cashflow, Manage Invoice, Budget Planing, etc. So that We can easily identify the upcoming risk and take preventive measures to reduce it.

Features & Functionalities

To resolve user needs

AI Based Predictions

Self Driven Dashboard

Track Cash IN & Out


Mid-fidelity wireframe(images)

Daily Cash In (Predicted) calculates cash flow daily, both historically and for the next six months. Hover over the chart for the daily predicted balance. This is the final output of every predicted transaction and journal that has fed through our accounting engine. It will update as you turn on/off automated predictions.

Also here are unpaid invoices and bills and how much is late, as per the invoice or bill terms within your accountancy software.

Aggregates the average payment days for every contact, what the average payment days are per customer paying you and you paying suppliers. Because of this, you can see the proportion of due invoices or bills that are predicted to be paid within the next 7 days.

You also have the average age of all due invoices and bills calculated. As with many of the reports you can hit each amount and will see the graphical representation of the breakdown of the amount.

This month s actual + predicted performance is critical for tracking today and how your month end will look. As the month passes, this report will change with updated actual data.


When I asked some people(family and friends) to test this design then As a result, I discover the users is finding it more useful then traditional way of working and they want if they can customized the dashboard accordangly.

About the process of building this UX Case, I can say that was a great experience to work in agile principles. I could do stand-ups, share work and finish my goals which you can see the results in this article. For the next steps, I imagine working on the HI-fidelity prototype and adding more page to make it as fully operation portal and conduct more usability tests in order to then have better insights and build the product devlopment ready.

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